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My Designs

Made using Inkscape.


Don't Be a Doormat

A proverb to take with you.

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Through the Lens of a Musician

Musicians deal with mental health just as much as the average joe - if not more.

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"Best Friend" by Rex Orange County

A graphic for a dear friend's birthday.

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Lucky Charms & Skinny Pop

I miss my college friends.

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Glass Half Full

In light of all the negativity in the world right now, I felt inspired to design an image to represent my hope for the future.

the seven types of stigma

The 7 Types of Stigma

A set of infographics for the @ClosterStigmaFree page on Instagram explaining different types of stigma towards mental illness. Made with Canva

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Spread Love Like Cream Cheese

The perfect analogy

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Happy Pride Month

Marsha P. Johnson, a Black trans activist, deserves much credit in assisting the LGBTQ+ liberation movement.


The Intersection of Sexual Assault, BIPOC & Mental Health

A set of infographics used for @ClosterStigmaFree on Instagram, on the obstacles produced by sexual assault. Made with Canva.

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